

  • #2339 Enemies in the Nokhud Offensive have been placed exactly where they are in the in-game map. As a result, added support for a higher zoom level for Nokhud Offensive.

Auto route changes:

  • #2340 The above was needed to make the Auto-Route creator work properly for Nokhud Offensive. Most issues have been resolved - though the area around the last boss may still be problematic, this will be reviewed later.

Auto route changes:

  • #2405 Algeth'ar Academy and potentially other dungeons no longer generate empty routes when using the Auto-Route Creator (thanks Bunten!)

General changes:

  • #2345 Key min/max is no longer fixed to 2 and 30 respectively, but is now adjustable per season. The current season is set to 2 and 24.

Mapping changes:

  • #2399 Updated Brackenhide Hollow mapping.
  • #2399 Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr corrected mapping for Earthen Weavers (thanks /u/omicron!)


  • #2396 Route overview had warnings (too little/too much enemy forces) and success (just enough enemy forces) mixed up, this was corrected (thanks /u/omicron!)


  • #2388 Fixed search page not working before switching tabs, fixed the dungeon text moving around when selecting one and finally the dungeons listed in the URL now get restored properly.


  • #2379 Fixed MDT importer not working if you had comments in your route. I added additional checks last release which exposed this bug and caused it to crash. As a result, any map comments next to your pulls (for Bloodlust~) are now automatically assigned as spells to your pulls as was intended.

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